National Real Estate Information System
A National Real Estate Information System is a comprehensive system for the maintenance of official real estate information (land and buildings). It includes workflow system, web GIS graphical editor, quality control mechanisms and integration with other systems.
Cadaster of Public Infrastructure
Cadaster of Public Infrastructure includes information on underground and above-ground public infrastructure such as: public utilities, transport infrastructure, energy infrastructure, water infrastructure, electronic communications, environmental protection infrastructure.
Spatial Data Distribution System and INSPIRE infrastructure
Spatial Data Distribution System is a core of the national spatial data infrastructure. It includes OGC and INSPRIE compliant network services, national metadata system and a set of web-based GIS applications for different types of users.
Spatial Planning Information System
Spatial Information System is intended to support processes in the field of construction and spatial planning. It includes a wide range of spatial data: spatial planning documents, building permits, legal regimes and other spatial datasets.
National Road Databank
National Road Databank is an official national registry of categorized roads and is a main component needed for an efficient road network management.
Information System “Storm”
Information System Storm enables monitoring of activities within official processes for the elimination of consequences of natural disaster. It enables the integration with office management system and display of event locations in a web GIS viewer.
Energy Performance Certificate Register
Energy Performance Certificate Register includes a register of energy performance certificates for buildings, the energy bookkeeping system for public buildings, and other components necessary for effective energy management and renovation of the public buildings.
Broadband Network Mapping System
Broadband Network Mapping System is based on the registration of network termination points (linking to the Cadaster of Public Infrastructure) and the system for the automatic analysis of “white” spots.
Integral GIS Platform for Smart Cities
Integral GIS Platform is core spatial database of the municipality. It includes a data replication mechanism (replicator) and an OGC compliant network services. It enables the implementation of different end-user applications for smart city management.
Information systems
National Real Estate Information System Cadaster of Public Infrastructure Spatial Data Distribution System and INSPIRE infrastructure Spatial Planning Information System National Road Databank Information System “Storm” Energy Performance Certificate Register Broadband Network Mapping System Integral GIS Platform for Smart Cities